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Items found relating to Dylan Redwine

Dylan Redwine

About 40 investigators searched Middle Mountain on Saturday, conducting a follow-up search in the disappearance and murder of Dylan Redwine.

The teen was never seen again after arriving at his father's home in Vallecito in Thanksgiving of 2012. He was on a court-ordered visit with his father, Mark Redwine. In June of 2013, a few of the 13-year-old's remains, along with some items belonging to him, were found on Middle Mountain.

"We wanted to do follow up searches in that area because after over three years of drought conditions, the area has received many rainstorms throughout this summer with quite a few thunderstorms containing heavy rain," wrote Lt. Dan Bender of the sheriff's office in an e-mail. "The area consists of steep terrain, heavy ground cover and dense forest. Heavy rain on steep slopes can uncover things that may have been covered before. So, we felt it was prudent to search the area again."

Searchers were in the area from early morning until late afternoon, and a smaller group went into a more rugged area on Sunday.

"During the two days of searching, several items of interest were collected by investigators," Bender said. "We are not describing what was found nor how many items were found."

Vallecito residents also reported Mark Redwine returned to his Vallecito home last weekend. The home was in foreclosure earlier but has been refinanced, according to public records. Redwine has rarely been seen at the house since his son's disappearance. He left on Tuesday.