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Verify news to support your political views

The resentment that political partisanship has created in this country is tragic. Much of it is based on misinformation or lack of information. I am disturbed by recent letters in the Times with accusations having no basis in fact.

"You are entitled to your own opinion; you are not entitled to your own facts."

Our inclination is to see a story which backs our opinion, take it as true, and repeat it. False news is widespread. Writers repeat information they've read or heard without verifying its accuracy. Some say "I know it's true, I read it on the internet" or "I know it's true, I saw it on XYZ news." Just because we read it doesn't mean it's true. As responsible citizens, it is our duty to fact check what we read and hear. Non-partisan fact-checking sites online are available.

We are manipulated by those who want us to believe their lies. This encourages a tendency to blame the other side for everything and feel smug that our side has it right. Tragically none of this serves us or our nation. Divide and conquer has been a strategy for centuries and it still serves those in power.

To keep our democracy we can't be lazy. We need to verify our information, be truthful, and it's never OK to be rude. We can respond to the opinions of fellow citizens with respect and facts, no matter how much we disagree.

Andrew Zeiler

Gem Village